Saturday, October 18, 2008

10 Bollywood clichés

1.Cars/bikes parked on the roadside conveniently have the ignition key in the right place for the hero to use

2.Horses are meant for 2 purposes only – a) to be headstrong and be tamed by the hero after threatening to overthrow the heroine b) to come home wounded, as a loyal messenger that danger/death has befallen the hero’s brethren

3.Heroines shall wear short dresses during the happy hours; come tragedy and salwar kameez becomes the dress code

4.Unsuitable girlfriends (whom the hero eventually discards for the heroine) always wish to become models/film actresses

5.Daughters undergo a surprisingly swift turn-around of emotions soon as their daddys’ villainy is established

6.Heroines are extraordinarily fertile – often merely one night stands lead to pregnancy

7.Even the poorest hero’s mom shall offer lovely leaf tea to the rich heroine’s dad in a proper china tea set

8.College Principals are invariably buffoons of the first or second order

9.Rape victims wear dresses with easily detachable sleeves

10.Successful suicides – hanging. Unsuccessful suicides – the kerosene-on-body-in-the-kitchen act and the breaking-wine-bottles-on-wrists act

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